A Meme is an idea that is spread around the internet. It's normally a phrase, video, picture website or hashtag.
Who creates them and how are they created?
Anyone can create them and they are created by have a certain phrase, picture, video, or a combination of them.
How are Meme's published and who publishes them?
Meme's are published by being posted on certain websites, fourms or social networking sites. They are published by the creater the first time, but then they are re-published by loads of people on loads of different websites.
My Favourite Meme
One of my favourite Meme's is one of freddiew's videos on youtube. "Medal of Honor Cat" is the title of the video and it has 10,834,838 view since it was posted on July 9 2011. It's one of my favourites because when you watch the making of the video, the cat has only been animated very slightly. I also enjoy the video as it has guns in it and i am a fan of shooter games.
Legacy of this video
This Meme is the first video that will come up when you type "medal of honor cat" into youtube and google. It has 10,834,838 views and counting and its been up since July 9 2011. This video has been a hit with views of the internet as it combines both guns and cats, 2 of the most googled things. It's also so popular as it's been created by a well known youtuber "freddiew" who is known for creating videos using guns and really good special effects.